Emergency Operations Plans

Planning is an essential element of emergency and disaster management. The University uses an all-hazards, whole-community approach to planning.

Campus Emergency Operations Plans

The Vanderbilt University Campus Emergency Operations Plan is a comprehensive framework to how and when the University will respond to a campus emergency.

This Plan is currently under review, and a new version will be published soon.

Departmental Emergency Operation Plans

The Departmental Emergency Operations Plan’s primary purpose is to establish response procedures in conjunction with the Campus Emergency Preparedness program that mitigate danger and protect the safety and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and visitors in the event that an emergency occurs at Vanderbilt University.

The plan’s secondary purpose is to continue essential business services and maintain facility operations during an emergency and help to protect and secure university facilities, property, and equipment from loss.

This plan provides basic information needed to address emergency events and situations. Individual departments and/or buildings should use this plan and template to assist in developing individualized plans for their areas.

For information about the Departmental EOP, please contact Caitlyn Perry